Requiem does this as well, but it can be turned off in the MCM menu, In YASH, its hardcoded. So, there you are in your first dungeon with an Adept or Expert level lock - move on. YASH requires lockpick perks to be able to pick a lock. I will deal with the simpler issue first - lockpicking. The two areas where YASH is utterly broken is with magic and lockpicking/looting.
In practice, however, I find YASH borderline unplayable. YASH changes some mechanics, but much lighter than Requiem. YASH is all about skills, with skills causing huge scaling of damage and protection and effect, with perks supplementing skills. Requiem also makes some pretty huge changes to many mechanics in the game. Requiem makes skill growth important only inasmuch as it unlocks perks. I have played quite a bit of Requiem and played YASH to about level 40.